Donations can easily be made through a USA-based, non-profit organization called, The Cause. All donations are tax deductible in the USA.
Please use the following link:
Checks can be written out to The Cause. Please write in the memo: Cathy Anjum Ministries. The Cause, 4225 Oceanside Blvd. Suite H-325, Oceanside, CA 92056
NOTE: Please send an additional note or write in the online donation memo that your donation is for Children Chapel Ministries. Then 100% of your donation will be used for Children Chapel Ministries rather than go into my general ministry support fund. The Cause contact info: 760-752-2873
We are proud to say that most of the financial support for Children Chapel Ministries comes from the tithes and o7erings of Children Chapel members. Even though the majority of the families in Children Chapel are poor, they faithfully and generously give to the Lord out of what they have. We believe that this helps to create a healthy church that continues to grow.
Having said that, our resources are limited, and we welcome your partnership.
We have big goals and big dreams to impact more people for the Kingdom of God. With more funding we will be able to:
- 1. Fund some of our current part-time pastors to become full time. We could then send them out to
preach the Gospel in unreached areas as explained on our home page under the Children Chapel Pastors Team heading.
- 2. Expand Children Chapel High School to receive more children. We charge a tuition of $3 per
month per child, plus the costs of books and uniforms. Many families ask for financial help even with this low tuition. Children Chapel supports those in need as we are able. With more funds we could receive more children (up to our facility capacity), hire more teachers, pay our teachers a little more (they work by heart for a very low salary), and perhaps even purchase some land for a playground. There are no parks or public playgrounds in Youhanabad.
- 3. Purchase adjacent property and expand the building space for use by both Children Chapel church and Children Chapel High School.
Thank you so much for partnering with us in the ministry. May you be blessed in abundance for your generosity.
Pastor Shakeel Anjum, Cathy A. Anjum, and the Children Chapel Team