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Welcome to Children Chapel Ministries

Welcome to Children Chapel Ministries. Please prayerfully visit our website. It is an effective tool to know our activities. In addition to our regular Sunday worship services and Friday evening prayer and healing meetings, our ministries include church planting, outreach ministry, Bible classes, youth ministry, Sunday School, and Children Chapel High School. It will be our pleasure to have fellowship with you. Please kindly contact us if you would like more information or are interested to become our ministry partner. 

Great Commission

We are serving according to the Great Commission written in Matthew 28:18-20: Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Children Chapel Sunday worship schedule

We have four service times. Come and join us.

4:00AM to 6:00AM

6:00AM to 8:00AM

8:00AM to 10:00AM

10:00AM to 12:00PM

Friday Evening Prayer and Healing Meeting

Come and join us.

7:00PM to 9:00PM

Tuesday Evening Bible Class

7:00PM to 9:00PM

F-Block, Youhanabad, Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan.

Our History

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Pastor Shakeel Anjum
Founder & Chairman
One night in 1997, I experienced the presence of the true, mighty, and holy God. I heard the voice of God speak to me. But first, I want to explain about my past.
When I was in the 4th grade, I got an electric shock from a power line. I was completely dead. All my relatives came to my house when they heard about my death. But my mother and sister were weeping and praying continually that God would bring me back to life. My mother and all my family were believers in Jesus Christ. My mother prayed that if God would do a miracle for me, then she would dedicate me for His service. After 8 hours of praying, Jesus came at once and brought me back to life. Everybody was praising the Lord. After that, my family took me to the hospital for a check up. The doctor said that my right side could be paralyzed and not work properly because there was no blood in my right arm. All the blood had been burned by the electric shock. My mother refused the statement of doctor and said, “Jesus has done a miracle for my son. He will not be paralyzed because he will serve the Lord. After 15 days I got up and left the hospital. I was completely healed. It happened just as my mother said and prayed.
Because of my electric shock, I was afraid all the time, especially at night, in dark places, or when I was alone. I told my mother about this. She told me to start reading the Bible and said that God would give me strength. So, in 4th grade, I read the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation by the light of the oil lamp. I worshipped and prayed and felt very close to God.
Sadly, when I started university, I started smoking cigarettes and drinking with my musician friends. I loved singing and became a very successful singer in the secular world. I wasn’t interested in religious activities. I continued that lifestyle when I got married and worked in a restaurant. I forgot the big miracle that Jesus Christ had restored my life. My mother always reminded me that when she asked God for my life back, she dedicated me for the Lord’s service. I didn’t like my mother’s words at that time. But my mother continually prayed for me.
As I mentioned in the beginning, one night in 1997, Jesus Christ came into my room and spoke to me. He told that he was not happy with my lifestyle. He told me that I was on the wrong path and going the way towards death. I was very afraid. I quickly told my wife everything that God spoke to me. We both were afraid. My wife said, “Let’s pray and ask God for forgiveness. During the prayer, we felt comfort and peace in our hearts. We both knew that I was forgiven. I left my old life completely, and I immediately started my new life with Jesus Christ. I went to our family’s church (FGA Church, Bahar Colony 1, Kotlakhpat, Lahore) and talked to the pastor, Pastor Sadiqe Masih. He prayed for me and guided me for water baptism. Then my wife and I were baptized by him. After that we attended our FGA Church meetings regularly. Pastor Sadiqe became my spiritual father. I was so inspired by his life and ministry style. Many months later, I decided to study and got admission in Pakistan Theological Seminary. I received my Bachelor of Theology degree in 2000. Praise the Lord.
During my seminary training, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and led me to serve the Lord in the area of Youhanabad. At that time, Youhanabad was very poor, and many people were gambling and addicted to drugs. Young adults had no jobs and all the time wandered the streets. In addition, many people worshipped spirits in front of oil lamps. When I went to Youhanabad, it was very difficult to do ministry there because the people didn’t want to listen to me and ignored me. But soon five children started to follow me and came to the Lord through my ministry. The number of children started increasing. Every evening the children sat with me, and we worshipped together. I named that place Children Chapel. The children gave me small coins that their parents had given them to buy candy, and they said to me, “Uncle, we will build a church.” In my heart I was laughing and wondered how we could build a church with small coins. Now I understand that it was a seed of faith and I started a ministry from their faith and small coins. After 1-2 years, some parents started coming to our meetings because their children insisted again and again that they come. Gradually new families starting coming. My family donated some land to me for ministry. Over many years we slowly started to build a church building, and later added additional stories.
By many years of hard labor in the ministry, Children Chapel has grown to be a large congregation of all ages. Today, more than 1000 people attend Children Chapel every Sunday morning during one of the 4 service times: 4-6 a.m., 6-8 a.m., 8-10 a.m., and 10-12 p.m.. Children Chapel has many ministries including Children Chapel School System. About 15 pastors serve with us. Also five of the children from the very beginning are now successful pastors in village areas.
After my first wife’s death, I married Catherine A. Wenz, an American missionary. God blessed me with a skilled and experienced servant of God. Together Cathy and I lead Children Chapel, and day by day, by our ministry and the grace of God, Children Chapel is growing more. I have seen many churches in the world generate a children’s ministry. But, my experience has been very different from that. The big church ministries at Children Chapel were generated by children. 
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Cathy A. Anjum
International Mission Director in Children Chapel

Donations to Children Chapel Ministries can easily be given through this link.

Global worker with The Cause: www.thecause.org/partners/cathy-anjum-ministries

I am from the USA, and I’m the wife of Pastor Shakeel Anjum. Together my husband and I lead Children Chapel. Before my marriage to Pastor Shakeel, I served with Converge for 20 years in the Buddhist nation of Thailand. I taught conversational English classes to thousands of Thai young adults and working professionals, and I shared the love of Jesus Christ with them. By the grace of God, some of them came to faith in Jesus Christ. I helped the new Thai believers grow in their faith and worked alongside them as they led their Thai Buddhist friends and family members to faith in Jesus Christ. Many of them are now seminary graduates and working in full-time ministry. In the struggle, it was a joy to help make faithful followers of Jesus in a nation that is less than 0.5% Christian.

Now, I work alongside my husband in Children Chapel. We are thrilled that the ministry continues to grow. Sometimes we travel together to other parts of Asia for preaching and ministry. My desire is that through our ministry, thousands and thousands of people in many parts of the world will give their lives to Jesus Christ and find freedom, joy, and healing as they follow Him.

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Children Chapel Pastors Team

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After the number of people slowly started increasing and people started repenting and receiving water baptism according to the Great Commission, we prepared some new leaders to serve with us. Through our teamwork, we got an even better response. And now by the grace of God, there are 15 trained pastors serving in Children Chapel. Some are serving full time, and some are serving part time due to limited resources. Some of these pastors are also ministering in villages, kilns, and remote areas where there are no opportunities for people to hear the Word of God. Due to our tireless work and teamwork, the number of believers is increasing day by day.
But there are still many areas in Pakistan where people are identified as Christians (born in Christian families down through the generations), but they don’t know about God or about Christian life. We are in dire need of funds so that the pastors who are serving part time with us can be made full time. In addition, new leaders need to be trained. Then we will be able to send out more pastors to unreached areas where people don’t have an opportunity to hear the Word of God. By hearing the Word of God, these people too can repent and become a part of the Kingdom of heaven. So, we always need your prayers for this big challenge.

Pastor Shakeel's Mother

I have written in my testimony that when I was electrocuted, I died. My parents were shocked by this accident because I was the special child in the family. At that time my mother prayed to God, “Oh God, if you will restore my son’s life, then I will prepare him for your service.” Sadly, during my university days I retreated from the fellowship of God. But my mother continued to pray for me. Finally, she won, and I surrendered my life to the Lord completely. After my ministry in Children Chapel started to grow a little, my family donated land for Children Chapel. We built a small room and made a land boundary. It was my mother’s honor––my mother who prayed for my new life physically and spiritually––to cut the ribbon for the opening ceremony and ask God for his blessing upon the ministry of Children Chapel. I experienced that when a mother’s prayer comes from the heart, unworthy people like me can become a part of God’s call. Even though my mother has fallen asleep in the Lord, I always miss my mother.

Pastor Shahzad Anjum

Pastor Shahzad Anjum, the younger brother of Pastor Shakeel, is the assistant senior pastor and vice chairman of Children Chapel. He has a crucial role in the development of Children Chapel.
He has great skill in bringing people to the Christian life, especially those people who are bound by the forces of darkness and are living without God. He is a very hard-working leader and experienced in teamwork. He is always busy with house visits, hospital visits, and follow up.

Children Chapel High School Staff

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After many years of hard work developing a school to educate poor children in the community, Children Chapel High School became an established school offering a full program of pre-school to 10th grade education. We have 11 qualified teachers and about 200 students. Many of our former students now have good jobs and are living a successful life as a result of our investment in their lives. Please see our Children Chapel High School page for more information.

Our Statement of Faith

We believe the Church of Jesus Christ to be a living Organism. The Body of Christ, and habitation of God through the spirit (Ephesians 2:20-22), and that each true believer is a member of the Body (1 Corinthians 12:14; 2:47).


We believe that all ministers should be of good report (I Timothy 3:7-12) including Pastors, Evangelists, Deacons and Elders (Titus 1:5-7); and husbands of one wife.

We believe that the Blood of Jesus Christ Cleanse from all sin, and sanctifies the believer, thus making him or her eligible to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost which is given to them that obey (Acts 5:32) and the evidence of such experience shall be according to Acts 2:4)

We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ to rapture his church (John 14:3, Acts 1:11, I Thessalonians 4:16), and look for that blessed hope (Titus 2:13, Revelation 22:20).

We believe that the gifts of the spirit should be effective in the company of believers (I Corinthians 12-14)


We believe that divine healing is still experienced through prayer and faith (James 5:14).


We believe that there is one God (Deuteronomy 6:4), that he was manifest in the flesh through Jesus Christ (I Timothy 3:16), and that his spirit dwells in believers (Romans 8:11).

We believe that the Bible is God’s divine word, Guide-book, and rule-book to mankind and that each of us be judged accordingly. We believe that Bible is God’s infallible, inspired Word (II Timothy 3:16). The Word of God alone shall be the Doctrine, Practice, and Discipline of this body of believers: it being understood that we receive it as the inspired Word of God and the Divine rule of faith and conduct.

We believe in Water Baptism with immersion and that it should be administered to every believer according to the Scriptures given by St. Matthew 3:17; 28:18; St. Mark 16:15 Acts 8:36-38.

We believe that all people will be judged according to the word of God (Romans 2:16, Hebrews 9:27), and rewarded according to their deeds with either everlasting life or eternal punishment (Romans 2:5-11), Revelation 21:7-8).

We believe in God the Father Almighty. Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried and arose on the third day according to the Scriptures, afterwards ascended into heaven where He is now seated at the right hand of God the Father, from whence He shall come again to judge the quick and dead.

We believe that salvation is available to all (II Peter 3:9) through faith and obedience to the Gospel, namely, repentance, water baptism with immersion  in the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost for the remission of sins, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. And believe that speaking in other tongues is a Holy Ghost’s divine work (Acts 2:38, 1 Peter) 3:21,

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